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2011photographyest.Mary Keen

Memorial Weekend in Seattle

When Adam was a kid he grew up going to baseball games with his family. We are continuing on that tradition + starting our own. Our goal is to visit every stadium as a family. So far with the boys this is our third. Safeco field in Seattle Washington.

Is there anything more American than eating a hot dog and going to a baseball game with your family especially memorial weekend?

We planned this trip so last minute. I forgot it was memorial weekend and Adam didn’t have to work so we decided to take advantage of living near the west. I overnighted some jerseys and shirts and packed up everything in the Jeep and head North West. The boys travel so well. I bring the iPad and they watch their movies and sleep the whole time. I was worried how the game would go this year since they’re extremely mobile and fast and have a hard time sitting still for more than an hour. I was honestly surprised how good they were. These boys steal the show everywhere we go and people just loved them! They hand them free things, one guy even tried to give them his whole popcorn bag. One lady behind us said “this is the best game I’ve been to in awhile because of them” haha they are hoot and I feel like I’m a mom to celebrities.

Beau loves loves baseball statues and anything to do with baseball really. I had to share this photo of him just pointing at it instead of wanting to take a picture. 

Beau didn’t want anything to do with pictures so these majority are of Brody. One day I’ll be able to bribe them to sit still and say cheese, right? 

Do you love popcorn as much as Beau? 

They had sooo much fun! They were dancing and clapping all night. 

Take me out to the ballgame Oh my goodness look at the comparision! 2016-2017-2018

High on cotton candy


So this is actually from Day One: We couldn’t get into our hotel until 3 and we came in from the East so to kill some time and because I definitely wanted to see it we stopped at Snoqualmie falls! We didn’t have a lot of time to spend in Seattle we did more city, touristy things but if we ever go back I’d love to visit Diablo lake and the more nature side of Washington! So beautiful! We got lucky and visited when it was sunny and 70!

We followed the trail down to the bottom. It was only 1/2 mile long, but pretty steep at some parts. Brody and Beau ran, I mean literally ran the whole way down. Not so much going back up though. They wanted to be carried a few times. 

Day Two:

We woke up early and hit all the touristy spots before they were super crowded with people. We were actually pleasantly surprised at how little traffic there was and how not busy it was. It was so nice to walk around and have hardly anyone around! We stayed in Bellevue, Washington because it was much cheaper + nicer than anything in downtown Seattle. It was only a short 10 minute drive from our hotel Hyatt Regency  <– click on this link to see the hotel. When we walked in I was like uhh are we sure the price was right on our receipt? It was so big had so many stores, and restaurants it was like a mall!

We parked at the Pikes Place Market garage and walked around from there! When I first walked into Pikes Place Market I died when I saw all the peonies. Like gasped. Was not making it out of there without buying any! So cheap too! We stopped at Top Pot Doughnuts and they were so good. The fruit stands outside of the market looked so fresh and so pretty! I’d go this market for flowers, food, and fruit all the time!

We happened to stumble by the original starbucks! The line was so long and we aren’t coffee drinkers so I just took photo instead. Adam noticed the logo was little different. You can’t tell from the photo but just click – this – and you’ll understand.  Men 😆

Okay I can’t get my kids to eat really anything thats not fruit or yogurt so when Brody start chomping into this donut I was SHOCKED. Going to put sprinkles on everything now. Pizza, chicken, anything. 

We didn’t ride the ferris wheel at Pier 57 because it because it didn’t open until 10. We also had the stroller and didn’t think they’d let us take it on. 

The space needle was under construction and to avoid crowds we opted to view the city from the Skyview Observatory  – which was also pretty vacant and really neat! It Has a floor with glass windows so you can walk around and see Seattle at a 360 view.

After the observatory our last stop was Kerry Park to get a closer view of the space needle! 

We finished exploring right around noon so we grabbed lunch and headed back to the hotel to let the kids swim and nap. We ended our day at Golden Gardens Park. I got to photograph the sweetest little family and meet the cutest little girl, Ellis. Her mom, Lizzie and I grew up in the same Stake at church and went to many girls camps, dances, and youth conferences together! Was so happy she wanted to get pictures in while I was there, they only live about 2-1/2 hours away and our schedules ended up aligning perfectly! We had the most beautiful sunset and it was the perfect way to end our trip!

Throwing rocks as the sailboats went by. I will forever remember these moments. ❤️

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